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Featured items:
- Corn base of 117 .10 acres with a PLC Yield of 161 bu. / acre
- Soybean base of 116. 70 acres with a PLC Yield of 4 7 bu./ acre.
- 156 tillable acres with the balance being roadway & ditch
- Tracts are in excellent condition and currently in row crop production
- Predominate soil types are Athelwold Silty Clay Loam and Brandt Silty Caly loam
- CER rating of 69.40
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Auction Description:
236.47 +/- acres of Pipestone Co., MN Farmland
Date/Time: Friday November 15, 2024 @ 10:00 AM
Auction Location: At the land site on 90th Ave. Pipestone, MN
Fountain Prairie TWP Farmland Offered at: PUBLIC AUCTION
Offered in 3 Tracts.
AUCTIONEER NOTE: Our company is honored to conduct the following farmland for the Calvin Burggraaff Estate. We will be offering the following 236.47 +/- acres of Pipestone Co. Fountain Prairie Township farmland. Land will be offered in 3 tracts. This will be an excellent opportunity to invest in farmland or add to your current operation. Information packets with Maps & Soil Information are available by contacting Elbers Auction Service or visit:
LOCATION: From Pipestone Highway 75 / 23 corner, go 9 miles north on Highway 75- and 1-mile East on 201 St, then north along East side of 90th Ave. Watch for Signs.
TRACT #1 & 2 LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS: S ½ of the SW 1/4 of Section 20, and N ½ of the SW¼ of Section 20 Township_108, Range 45 (Subject to survey).
GENERAL DESCRIPTION: These tracts of farmland consist of 160 +/- acres to be sold in (2) 80 +/- acre tracts. According to the Pipestone Co. Assessor these tracts have a CER rating of 69.40. Tracts are in excellent condition and currently in row crop production. These Tracts contain 156 tillable acres with the balance being roadway & ditch. Predominant soil types are Estelline Silt Loam, Brandt Silty Clay Loam and Athelwold Silty Caly Loam.
TRACT 3: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: S ½_of NW ¼ less 3 .53-acre tract in Section 20, Township 108, Range 45 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: This tract of farmland consists of 76.47 acres. According to the Pipestone Co. Assessors Office this tract has a CER rating of 64.12. This tract is in excellent condition and currently in row crop production. This tract contains 75.60 acres of tillable land and the balance being roadway & ditch. Predominate soil types are Athelwold Silty Clay Loam and Brandt Silty Caly loam. Tracts 1, 2 & 3 have a corn base of 117 .10 acres with a PLC Yield of 161 bu. / acre and a soybean base of 116. 70 acres with a PLC Yield of 4 7 bu./ acre.
MANURE OWNERSHIP AND APPLICATION AGREEMENT: There is a manure easement with the manure to be applied equally between the 3 tracts on every other year basis until 2038. There will be fall application on all 3 tracts in the fall of 2024. Call for more details.
METHOD OF SALE: Offer tract 1 then tract 2 then tract 3. The sale price will be price per acre on surveyed acres.
TAXES: Tract# 1 & 2 taxes due and payable in 2024 were $6178.00. Tract 3 -$2444.00. Taxes due and payable in the year 2024 will be paid by the seller. The taxes due and payable in 2025 and thereafter will be the buyer’s responsibility.
POSSESION: Possession will be given on the date of closing.
TERMS OF AUCTION: Successful buyer (s) will be required to pay 10% down payment (non-refundable) immediately after the auction. The buyer(s) will be required to sign a purchase agreement at the time of the auction with the balance due and payable on or before January 15, 2025, when a clear and marketable warranty deed will be delivered to the buyer. Elbers Auction Service represents the sellers only in this transaction. Property is offered as a cash sale with no financing contingency. Property is sold “AS IS” with no warranty given or implied as to the condition or use of property. Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information given all potential buyers are encouraged to verify all infonnation given. Property will be offered for sale subject to any contracts, easements, restrictions, reservations, or right-away easement of record if any. The sale of property is subject to seller confirmation. Any announcement given on the day of auction will take precedence to any printed material. FSA, and Soil information etc. are available by contacting Elbers Auction Service or visit
Calvin Burggraaff Estate, Owner
Pipestone, MN, USA
Pipestone, MN
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