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Featured items:
- Tract 1 - 61.5 Acres with house
- Tract 2 - 40.4 Acres
- Tract 3 - 62.3 Acres
- Tract 4 - 102.1 Acres
- Komatsu PC220 LC 66E track excavator
- 1983 JD 4450 tractor
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Auction Description:
Live and Online Auction
Auction Date/Time: September 7th, 2024 – 10:00am
Location: 43734 Audrain County Road 620 at Wellsville, MO 63384
Directions: From the flag pole on Main Street in Middletown, Missouri, take Highway BB west for 5 1/2 miles to Highway W, turn right and go north 3/4 mile to Tract One on the right. Tracts 2,3 and 4 lie down Audrain County Road 620 east 1/4 mile. OR from Scott’s Corner, the conjunction of Highway 54 and Highway 19, go east 8 miles to Highway W. Tract 4 will have frontage and be accessed off Audrain County Road 677 on the northeast end of the tract.
The auction will be conducted at TRACT ONE, the Hahn Homestead.
We will sell the real estate at 10;00 AM by the acre, using the choice method, then sell the tractors, farm machinery and vehicles followed by shop and farm tools, livestock supplies, household and miscellaneous.
FRIDAY – AUGUST 23 from 4 PM to 6 PM
Selling 266.3+/- Acres to be Sold in 4 Tracts
The Hahn property lies in Township 51N, Range 5W, Sections 28 and 29 of Audrain County Missouri. The real estate consists of 259 +/- acres offered in 4 Tracts ranging from 40 acres to 98 acres, including a 60- acre tract and the Hahn Homestead.
Consists of 61.5 surveyed acres and includes the house, barn and machine shed. This tract has frontage and access off Audrain County Road 620 which runs along the entire length of the north side of the tract. The tract is open pasture/hay ground, scattered trees, some cropland and wooded banks on the West Fork of the Cuivre River. The Audrain County FSA Office calls for 33.9 acres in combination cropland and pasture/hay production.
The house is a single story 1,463 sq. ft. structure that sits on a concrete basement with a drive-in garage. The house has vinyl siding, shingle roof, and was last occupied in 2021. The basement and home are in need of extensive repairs. The house is hooked to a deep well and septic tank. In addition to the house, there is a 48’ x 106’ Kamar building on this tract, it is wired for 110v and 220v electric with roll-back doors and a walk-through door. The building has a partial concrete floor and it is being used for a shop area and machinery storage.
There is a 60’ x 60’ wood frame metal covered structure that is being used for livestock feeding, machinery storage and grain storage. The building is open to the south with a concrete apron, sucker rod corral for feeding cattle. IT is open in the middle with some small wooden granaries along the north side for storage.
Tract One is a beautiful combination tract with open pasture, river frontage and crop land, great hunting and lots of recreational opportunities.
Consists of 40.4 +/- surveyed acres that lie near the end of Audrain County Road 620 and wraps around the cemetery on two sides. This tract has frontage and access off ACR 620 which runs the entire length of the west side of Tract Two, also there is an easement along the north side of the cemetery that gives access to this tract in the northwest corner. Tract Two has lots of open ground that is currently being used for cattle pasture, the balance is in scattered trees, wooded fence rows and wooded creek banks. There is a deep well on this tract with an insulated pumphouse that is hooked to a Ritchie automatic cattle drinker. The tract has a pond and a 45’ x 54’ pole barn structure that is being used for a cattle shed.
Consists of 62.3+/- surveyed acres and lies at the end of ACR 620, it is accessed in the very northwest corner right off the end of the road. The Audrain County FSA Office calls for 60.85 acres tillable with the balance in wooded fence rows, a small patch of woods in the northeast corner and a pond. There are no improvements on this tract and it is currently being used for crop and hay production. This tract lays good enough that if you took out a division fence you could practically row crop the entire tract.
Rural water from Monroe County PWSD #2 and electricity run down Audrain County Road 620 to the cemetery.
Consists of 102.1 +/- surveyed acres and lies on the very east side of the Hahn Farm. This tract joins Tracts 2 and 3 on the west and south sides but has frontage and will be accessed off Audrain County Road 677 along the northeast corner. This tract is primarily wooded with some open clearing that is in grass.
Rural water from Monroe County PWSD #2 and electricity run along ACR 677.
A survey has already been commissioned and as soon as it is completed, we will update our acreages to reflect the actual surveyed acreages.
TERMS & CONDITIONS: 10% Down sale day with the balance due at closing in 30 days or less. Possession will be subject to the 2024 farm tenancy rights. The seller will retain 2024 crop and farm income and pay all the 2024 Audrain County Property taxes
1983 JD 4450 tractor, cab, air, dual hyds., quad range trans., 20.8 x 38 tires w/ JD 148 hyd. front loader w/ 84” bucket, wobble stick loader control in cab
1972 Int. 766 gas tractor, factory wide front, dual PTO, hyd. remotes, rear wheel weights, good 18.4 x 34 tires
1960 Case 530 gas tractor, factory wide front, Eagle Hitch, hyd. remotes, 13.6 x 28 ties w/ Front loader
AC WD 45 gas tractor, tricycle front end, rear weights, snap coupler hitch, 14.9 x 28 tires
Farmall M tractor, tricycle front end, belt pully converted to 12v, hyd. remotes, 14.9 x 38 tires
1949 Case VAC gas tractor, tricycle front end, rear weights, Eagle Hitch, belt pully, s/n 5371221
Set 20.8 x 38 hub duals
3 PT. tractor hitch
Komatsu PC220 LC 66E track excavator, 32” pads, 46” toothed bucket w/ stationary grapple, serial # A83380
JD 7000, 6-row 30” planter, no-till coulters, conservation springs, plate less, hyd. markers, press wheels
JD 8300 – 21-hole grain drill, double disk
Kewanee 1020 – 20’ flat fold disc
Int. 370 – 13’ tandem wheel disc
Brady 7-shank pull type chisel plow
Int. 540, 4-bottom semi mtd. plow
AC snap coupler 3-bottom plow
Kewanee 88 – 15’ mulcher w/ dual inboard wheels
Brillion 15’ mulcher w/ inboard wheel * crowfoot roller
Int. 133 – 3 pt. 6-row, 30” cultivator, spring-tine
1994 Vermeer 605 Series K big round baler, gathering wheels, W/ Vermeer Equal-Fill- Auto-Tie electronic monitor
Int. 990 – 9’ mower conditioner
Vermeer M7040 – 9’ 3 pt. disc mower w/ canvas hood, 540 PTO
Krone AM 283S, 3 pt. 9’ disc mower, 540 PTO, canvas hood
Vermeer VR 820 hyd. fold 10-wheel hay rake
Two prong big bale mover, 3 pt.
Big bale spear that fits a loader
Rhino SR-15 hyd. fold 15’ rotary cutter, lamented tires, 1000 RPM, safety chain
Sidewinder SW- 842 , 7’ 3 pt. rotary cutter
Int. 155 single beater PTO manure spreader, single axle
Hyd. drive 6” end gate auger
Rubber tired farm wagon w/ 7’ x 12’ wooden grain box
One-row silage cutter
Knoedlor PTO Corn Belt burr mill, portable, KP70-7019
Lot of household items
1000 Gallon LPG tank
1977 Gleaner F-2 diesel combine, 2WD, Corn & Soybean Special, Hydro Traction drive, chopper, extra sieves, 23.1 x 26 tires , s/n FK5-38067
Gleaner 15’ grain header
Gleaner A-430 black corn header
2 – Single rib 11:00 x 16 tires on Gleaner rims
2 – Four rib 11:00 x 16 tires
Forney 225 amp, 220v welder
Century battery charger
Magna Force 7 hp, 220v air compressor
OIT 12 speed floor model drill press
Hyd. floor jack
30 Ton hyd. press
Several wagon loads of shop & farm tools, supplies & parts
1983 Ford F-600, single axle truck, gas V-8 eng., 4 & 2 Trans., 9:00 x 20 tires, 53,406 miles w/ 13’ Knapheide bed & hoist
1978 Chevy Impala car, 4 door, hard-top, auto. trans., A/C, 93,671 miles
2018 Corn Pro 6’ x 16’ bumper hitch livestock trailer, tandem axle, center gate, escape door, 2 5/16” ball
Delta 6’ x 16’ bumper hitch stock trailer, tandem axle, center gate
Troy Bilt Horse rear tine tiller w/ Kohler gas motor, electric start
Grasshopper 618 zero-turn lawnmower w/ 52” hyd. left frt. deck & Kohler gas engine
Kawasaki Prairie 4-wheeler
5 – Poly pipe bed round bale feeders
6 – 10’ Pipe frame poly feed troughs
4 – 10’ Concrete feed bunks
Maxi Kreeper single side metal calf creep feeder
Lot of various length pipe gates
Factory made automatic cattle head catcher on a homemade metal chute
Brower hog catcher
Lot of fencing supplies including several rolls of new 47” netting, brace wire, posts, etc.
Lot of electric fence supplies
Charlie Nordwald 636-795-4552
43734 Audrain County Road 620 at Wellsville, MO 63384
Wellsville, MO
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