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Featured items:
- Ford F450 truck
- 5-4’x20’ metal culverts
- 3500 plus Heavy 7 ft T Post
- 25-14 ft HD Sioux tube gates
- 45 plus rolls of new barb wire
- Monroe power pounder/auger PTO/3pt
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Auction Description:
Bison/Livestock Ranch Equipment
Online Auction
Auction Date/Time: July 16th, 2024 – 3:00pm
ONLINE BIDDING OPENS Friday · July 12th, 2024
– Closing Tuesday · July 16th, 2024, 3:00 PM
Location: 25398 Hwy 79, Fairburn SD (7.5 Miles South of Hermosa on HWY 79)
New Fencing-Pipe Coral Material– New Gates-Equipment – Antiques – Tools– Iron
22- 660 ft 12.5 ga 5 ft tall Solidlock Pro 20 fencing, new; 3500 plus Heavy 7 ft T Post, new; 25-14 ft HD Sioux tube gates, 6 bar 5’ tall, new; several thousand feet of 2 ¼” and 4 ½” pipe; Several hundred 2 7/8” x 10’ iron pipe posts; 45 plus rolls of new barb wire; thousands of T and pipe post wire clips; 12” channel iron; 3” x1/4’ channel iron; 1000 plus 3” channel iron cut to 4” long pieces; 4-16’ Sioux tube gates; 100 plus HD tube gate post hinges; 2 7/8” welded pipe hinges; 2”x1/4” square tubing; 24’ 4 bar continuous fence panels; Monroe power pounder/auger PTO/3pt; several hundred 7’ light T posts, new; several hundred assorted lengths used T posts; Belltec Post Driver/auger 3pt, PTO with 2 bits; 16’ JD tandem disk; 3 pt bale spear; Wetmore feed wagon; Caterpillar Bale spear; 110 gal spray rig w/Honda engine; 65 gal. water tank; shop made trailer; Snapper riding mower; Aluma Craft boat, trailer & trolling motor; lumber; Portable True test Scale; Corrosive & chemical storage cabinets; 155 pounds Potassium Hydroide; Ritchie waterer; sheep tank; concrete mix; 23.8’ x 11’ used garage door w/frame and opener;
Ford F450 truck from the Fairburn Fire dept.; 5-4’x20’ metal culverts & bands; bridge beams; RR ties; large selection of guard rail; large amount of scrap metal and iron; steel work benches; fence stretchers; catwalk parts; numerous used Sioux and other gates; I beam; log chains; stock rollers; corn sheller; Fairburn well pump; wagon parts; large anvil and other old west collectibles; 19.5” truck tires; used barbwire; well sand point; oil barrel pumps; light poles; street sweeper broom parts; organizer; welding table & contents; post vise; flow parts; Job Box; power tools; bolts; 2015 Ford crew cab running boards; 2015 For Dually pickup box, bumper & receiver hitch; 8 pails Fuller Eart movie dust; empty metal drum containers; Water pump; Dakota Dart gun and darts; several hundred new fishing lures; steel & iron racks; post vise; lawn dump cart; shop and tool items plus so much more yet to be discovered!
Auctioneers Note: Dakota Partnership (Former 777 Bison Ranch) is under contract to be sold. WE will be selling their back up inventory of fencing, tools & other supplies. Most of the fencing is “Heavy-duty, Buffalo Tuff”. Take time to inspect the online catalog for many great ranch items you won’t want to miss.
TERMS &CONDITIONS: ONLINE ONLY AUCTION. NO BUYER PREMIUM! Complete detailed photos, descriptions, inspection & settlement dates & registration at
Property Inspection: Property will be available for inspection at the property on Monday July 15th, from 10am to 2pm or by appointment only. Please do not attempt inspection without an appointment. See the detailed descriptions & photos in the online catalog, at
Property Settlement & Pickup: At the ranch 25398 HWY 79 Fairburn SD. All items must be settled for Thursday July 27th between 10:00am & 3:00pm. No Exceptions. No shipping for this auction. Extra time for load out is available on request.
OWNER: 777 Meat & Mercantile Fairburn, SD
25398 Hwy 79, Fairburn SD
Sturgis, SD
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