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Featured items:
- 2013 Polaris Sportsman 550 EFI
- 4x8 custom built fish house
- Sanborn 30 gallon upright air compressor
- Stack On combination gun safe
- Remington Gamemaster 760 pump .30-06
- John Deere X320 riding lawn tractor
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Auction Description:
Craig & Sue Maske Moving Auction
Live Auction
Auction Date/Time: September 29th, 2024 – 10:30am
Location: 16335 County Road 2, Brainerd, MN
Directions: From Pine Center head west on County #2 for 5 miles
From Brainerd head south on hwy #25 for 10.5 miles then left County Road #2 for
2.3 miles. From Garrison head south on Hwy. #169 for 3.5 miles then right on Mille
Lacs County #25 / Crow Wing County #2 for 10 miles to Auction site
From Pierz follow Hwy. #25 north for 15 miles. (Watch for Signs)
ATV’s, Shop Tools, Firearms, Sporting Goods, Trailers, Household Items, Lawn Equipment and More!!
Seller’s Note: We will be selling our home and therefore offering the following for public Auction.
Auctioneer’s Note: Janzen Auctioneers would like to thank Craig & Sue Maske
for the opportunity to conduct their Auction. This is an extremely clean auction.
Craig & Sue took very good care of their personal property. Be certain to attend
and bring a friend. We look forward to spending the day with you.
Thank you in advance, Janzen Auctioneers
To view complete auction flyer, click here:
16335 County Road 2, Brainerd, MN
Brainerd, MN
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