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Featured items:
- 2010 Palomino Puma 25RKSS Travel Trailer
- ’01 Yamaha Kodiak ATV
- Pride 4 wheel scooter
- Oak Antique furniture
- Pump Organ
- Crown upright piano
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Auction Description:
Judy Kretzschmar & Guests, Custer, SD Online Auction
Online Auction
Auction Starts: August 30th, 2024
Auction Ends: September 3rd, 2024 – 4:00pm
Location: Property located at 4 locations: #1: 24966 Mica Ridge RD, Custer, #2: 12171 Pine Meadow RD, Custer, #3: Sunshine Storage south, 25176 US Hwy 385, Custer, #4: Bradeen Auctions, 9 W. Mt. Rushmore Rd. Custer.
Camper – ATV – Antiques – Household – Tools – Trailers
2010 Palomino Puma 25RKSS Travel Trailer; ’01 Yamaha Kodiak ATV; 2-Single axle trailers, Pride 4 wheel scooter like new; Oak Antique furniture; pump organ; Crown upright piano; claw glass foot organ stool; oak dining table & 6 chairs; library table, oak wash stand; Camel back trunk; steamer trunk; hickory log wood furniture; Rowe AMI juke box; albums; Bud, Coke & other collectibles; belt buckles; 2-round dining tables & chairs; copper boiler; 1962 Barbie doll w/original box; 1962 Midge doll w/original box; Barbie clothes & other Barbie dolls; Jon Crane “Silent Crossing”; Fostoria & other collectible glassware; Sofa & ottoman; full size beds; large selection of jewelry including Black Hills gold; Artwork & wall hangings; Roll top desk; Oak Office chair; Vizio TV; gas grill; shop vices; work bench; Huffy Bike; Ladders; battery chargers; power tools; lawn tools; coolers; Stihl Chainsaws; John Wayne Collectibles; Small kitchen appliances; Meat slicer; shop vac; Crager rims; car parts; US items; China Hutch; Mini Fridge; Light Fixtures; Home Décor; Camping gear; tools and so much more.
Auctioneers Note: Judy has moved and will be selling these quality items that are in good to great condition, plus many very interesting, unique and one-of-a-kind items. Take time to inspect the online catalog for complete photos & details.
TERMS & CONDITIONS: ONLINE ONLY AUCTION. NO BUYER PREMIUM! Complete detailed photos, descriptions, inspection & settlement dates at
Property Inspection: Items will be available for inspection at the properties on Tuesday Sept. 3rd, from 11am to 2pm. See the detailed descriptions & photos in the online catalog, at
Property Settlement & Pickup: All items must be settled for Thursday Sept. 5th between 10:00am & 3:00pm at Bradeen Auction Facility, 9 W. Mt Rushmore Rd. then proceed to the location of your items with your paid receipt. No Exceptions. Shipping available on select items.
To bid or view complete auction catalog, click here:
Custer, SD, USA
Custer, SD
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