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Featured items:
- Springwater Township
- Rock County, MN
- 160.42 acres of cropland
- 109.5 acre corn base with a 170 bu. PLC yield
- 50.80 acre soybean base with a 45 bu. PLC yield
- CER of 90.92
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Auction Description:
Leuning – +/-168.26 Acres Unimproved Springwater Twp., Rock Co., MN Land
Date/Time: October 4 @ 10:00 am
+/-168.26 Surveyed Acres of Springwater Township Rock County, MN Land – Located Near Luverne, MN, Beaver Creek, MN, Jasper, MN & Garretson, SD
We will offer the following parcel of land at public auction, with the auction to be held “ON SITE” at the Land- located from the Luverne. MN – 8 miles west on 121st St. (Co. Hwy. #5) and 2 miles north on 50th Ave. to the NE Corner of the Land at the Jct. of 50th Ave. & 141st St.; from the Beaver Creek, MN Exit #5 on I-90 – 5½ miles north on 60th Ave (Co. Hwy. #6) and 1mile west on 141st St. to the NE Corner of the land; from the Pipestone-Jasper, MN Exit #1 on I-90 – 5½ miles north on Hwy. #23 and 3miles east on 141st St. to the NE Corner of the Land at the Jct. of 141st St. & 50th Ave.; from Jasper, MN – approx. 11 miles south on Hwy. #23 and 3 miles east on 141st St. to the NE Corner of the Land; or from Garretson, SD – 3 miles east to Hwy. #23, then 2 miles south on Hwy. #23 and 3 miles east on 141st the NE Corner of the Land.
This auction presents an excellent opportunity to purchase a parcel of productive high percentage Tillable Land Located in a pre-eminent agricultural area in Springwater Township in Rock County MN. This +/-166.68 Acre farm will be offered as one single parcel. This parcel of land would serve as an excellent addition to an area row crop farming operation and/or investment property. Please mark your calendars and plan to be in attendance at this Auction, or if necessary, contact the auctioneers to make arrangements for absentee bidding. THIS LAND WILL BE AVAILABLE TO THE BUYER WITH FULL POSSESSION OF THIS LAND TO FARM OR LEASE AS THEY DESIRE IN THE 2025 CROP YEAR.
This surveyed +/-168.26-acre farm will be offered as a single individual parcel. According to FSA information this property (FSA TR. #8950 of Farm #4675 has approx. 160.42 acres of cropland with an FSA 109.5 acre corn base with a 170 bu. PLC yield and a 50.80 acre soybean base with a 45 bu. PLC yield and has been enrolled under the ARC County election for corn and soybeans of the USDA farm program. According to the Rock County Assessor this land has a CER of 90.92, comparatively info. obtained from Surety Agri Data, Inc. indicates this land has a soil rating of 89. The farmability and productivity of this land has been enhanced by the installation of drain tile in this land, as according to the owner and records they had in their possession, there was over approx. 12,000’ of drain tile installed on this land in 1979 by Kooiman Construction & Farm Drainage with hand drawn maps available for reference. The non-tillable portion of this farm is comprised primarily of waterway, terraced areas & roads. The general topography of this land is gently rolling to undulating. The RE Ag Homestead RE taxes payable in 2024 on this property were $8,404.00. This property has been maintained in an excellent agricultural state of production and is located in a prominent agricultural area and could serve the needs of a variety of buyers in the market for productive Springwater Township, Rock County, MN land.
ABREVIATED LEGAL DESC.: The NW ¼ & NE ¼ of Sec. 23, T. 103N., R. 46W., (Springwater Twp.) Rock Co., MN., Less and Except the Following: Beginning at the NW ¼ of Sec. 32, thence east 3,679.09’, thence south 1,441.90’, thence west 2,515.96’, thence south 1,218.75’ to the South Line of the N ½ of said section; thence west 1,109.70’; north 2,644.82’thence North 2,644.82’ along the west line of said N ½ to the NW Corner of Said Section being the Point of Beginning – with the remaining portion of said N½ being sold – containing 168.26 acres M/L.
TERMS: Cash – A 10% nonrefundable earnest money payment on the day of the sale and the balance on or before Dec. 6,, 2024, with full possession at closing for the 2025 crop year. Marketable Title will be conveyed and at the option of the sellers – either an abstract of title continued to date will be provided to the buyer for examination prior to closing or an owner’s title insurance policy will be provided with the cost of the owner’s title policy divided 50-50 between the buyer and seller; The acres being sold will be in accordance with the surveyed acres as determined by Stockwell Engineering, with the acres understood to be “more or less”. The closing agent’s fee (Eisma & Eisma Law Firm) to be paid by the sellers. Sellers will pay for the transfer documents and deed tax; buyers will pay for the recording of the deed and title examination. All of the RE taxes payable in 2024 will be paid by the sellers with the buyer(s) to be responsible for payment of all of the RE taxes due & payable in 2025. The sellers do not warranty or guarantee that existing fences lie on the true boundary and any new fencing, if any, will be the responsibility of the purchaser pursuant to MN statutes. FSA cropland acres, yields, bases & other information are estimated and subject to County Committee approval. This property is sold in “AS IS” Condition and subject to existing easements, restrictions, reservations or highways of record, if any, as well as any or all applicable county zoning ordinances. Information contained herein is deemed to be correct, but is not guaranteed. The RE licensees/auctioneers in this transaction stipulate that they are acting as agents for the sellers. Sold subject to confirmation of the Receiver. These properties have the potential to fulfill the needs of a variety of buyers including those looking for a parcel or parcels of land to add to their row crop farming operation, crop/livestock operation and/or their investment portfolio. This land is located in a prominent agricultural area of Rock County, MN that be seen to be appreciated!
PAUL & ALISON LEUNING, Owners – Cell Ph. 605-212-0499 or Home Ph. 507-597-3943
Eisma & Eisma Law Firm – Attorneys & Closing Agents for the Sellers – Luverne, MN
CHUCK SUTTON – Auctioneer & Land Broker – Mn. Auct. Lic. – #59-26 – Sioux Falls, SD – ph. 605-336-6315
JARED SUTTON, CAI – RE Salesperson & MN Auct. Lic. #59-72 – Flandreau, SD – ph. 605-864-8527 &
DEAN STOLTENBERG – RE Salesperson & Auctioneer – MN Auct. Lic. #59-38 – Jasper, MN – ph. 507-829-6856
Beaver Creek, MN, USA
Beaver Creek, MN
Auction Location / Nearest City:


1116 N. West Ave, Sioux Falls, SD, USA