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Featured items:
- FARM #1 – +/-150.72 Surveyed Acres
- FARM #2 – +/-479.61 Surveyed Acres
- FARM #3 – +/- 151 Taxable Acres
- FARM #4 – +/- 160 Taxable Acres
- Roswell Township
- Miner County
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Auction Description:
Moschell Estate – +/-941.33 Acres of Clinton & Roswell Township Miner County, SD Land
Date/Time: October 18 @ 10:00 am
Extraordinary Offering of +/-941.33 Acres of Clinton & Roswell Township Miner County, SD Land – Including a Multifaceted Offering of Multiple Parcels of Land- Including Parcels Inclusive of Productive Cropland & Extraordinary Hunting Land with Developed Hunting Habitat & Other Desirable Hunting Amenities, with this land being Utilized in the Past by the Moschell Family for Private Family, Celebrity and Other Guided Commercial Hunting and has been a Mecca for Pheasants, White Tail Deer (Inclusive of Some Trophy Deer) and Othe Wildlife with this land located in one of the Pre-eminent Hunting Areas of South Dakota, While Also Being Inclusive of Productive Row Crop Farmland – Which Together Makes This a Superb Offering of Income Producing and Recreational Land Which Will Be of Interest to Local Ag Producers, Investors, Hunters & Wildlife Enthusiasts!
In order to Settle the Virginia Moschell and the subsequent multiplicity of Ownership – The Heirs of Alan and Virginia Moschell have made the difficult decision to sell this property at public auction, with the Auction to be Held On Site at the Location of FARM #1 – Located from Howard, SD – 10 miles west on Hwy. #34; from Fedora, SD – approx. 2 ½ miles east on Hwy. #34; or from Carthage, SD – approx. 11 miles south on Co. Hwy (425th Ave, to Hwy. #34, then 1 mile west on Hwy. #34.
AUCTIONEERS NOTE: Sutton Auctioneers & Land Brokers and their participating auction associates have been afforded the opportunity to offer this extraordinary offering of +/-941.33 Acres of Clinton & Roswell Township Miner County, SD Land at Public Auction. Offerings of South Dakota Land that is inclusive of ALL of the attributes bundled in this property are extremely rare, as this land provides both income and phenomenal hunting opportunities not commonly found in Eastern South Dakota, as this land is situated in a prominent farming area and is located in one of the pre-eminent pheasant and deer hunting regions of South Dakota. This land has been in the Moschell Family for decades with ownership in some of this land dating back for over 80 years and throughout that period has been the site for countless guided paid commercial hunts, as well as celebrity, personal & family hunts, resulting in many bountiful pheasant hunts and successful Whitetail deer hunts, which have included the harvest numerous trophy deer. Additionally, throughout the decades of ownership of this land, the Moschell Family has made improvements on this land to enhance both the hunting habitat and productivity of the row crop production of this land. This is an extremely diverse offering of land with a myriad of opportunities, that truly must be seen to be appreciated!
Auction Brochure:
FARM #1 – SALE SITE – +/-150.72 Surveyed Acres – LEGAL DESC.: The SE¼, Less and Except Lot A of Moschell Add’n., Sec. 1, T. 106N., R. 58W. (Clinton Twp.), Miner County, SD – Containing 150.72 Acres M/L.
Farm # 1 is bordered on the South by Hwy. #34 and on the east by 424th Ave. – with the SE Corner of the land at the Jct. of Hwy. #34 & 424th Ave.; and the portion being sold excludes the Moschell Building Site – with ownership of that +/-10 acre building site being retained and occupied by a member of the Moschell family. Farm #1 will be offered as a single individual parcel. Farm #1 is comprised of a mixture of cropland, pasture/grassland/hayland and strategically located tree plantings which are enrolled in the CRP program. FSA has this farm combined as part of a larger parcel operated by the previous tenant of FSA Farm #2023, although from reference to the FSA aerial photo of Farm #1 is identified as Tr. 928 of Farm 2023 and as such, it appears that Farm #1 presently has approx. 72.30 acres of cropland, +/-7.33 acres of CRP tree plantings with Contract #11618A covering 1.43 acres enrolled at $113.00 per acre generating a total annual payment of $162.00 and Contract #11617 covering 5.90 acres enrolled at $102.25 per acre generating a total annual payment of $603.00; the remainder of this farm is comprised of hayland/grassland. Previously this farm has been a part of a larger parcel operated by the tenant , thus FSA bases are currently unavailable and will be subject to an appropriation of bases and yields and an FSA reconstitution as determined by FSA personnel and FSA County Committee approval. According to Miner County Assessor’s information this farm has an overall soil rating of .711; comparatively, info. obtained from Surety Agri-Data indicates this land has a productivity soils index of 69.9 . The general topography of this land is predominately level to gently rolling. The 2023 RE taxes payable in 2024 on this property and inclusive of the 10 acre excluded acreage were $2,554.18.
FARM #2 – +/-479.61 Surveyed Acres – Located Directly South of FARM #1 – The NE Corner of Farm #2 is at the Jct, of Hwy. #34and 424th Ave. & the NW Corner of Farm #2 is at the Jct. of Hwy. #34 & 423rd Ave. LEGAL DESC.: The NE¼ and NW¼, Exc. Hwy Lots and the SW ¼, all in Sec. 12, T. 106N., R. 58W., (Clinton Twp.), Miner County, SD – Containing 479.61 Acres M/L.
FARM #2 will be Offered as – PARCEL 2A – the NE ¼ – +/-158.18 Acres; PARCEL 2B – the W ½ – +/-321.43 Acres (Consisting of +/-158.98 Acres in the NW ¼ & +/-162.45 Acres in the SW ¼ for a Combined Total in Parcel 2B of +/-321.43 Acres; or as PARCELS 2A & 2B Combined – The +/-479.61 Acre Unit.
Farm #2 is an extremely unique property that combines a mixture of productive cropland and excellent hunting and wildlife production attributes created by a mile long winding draw, developed tree belts and adjacent acres of CRP, along with other natural and developed areas for wildlife production and hunting opportunities, along with and in combination with productive acres of cropland which provide potential for an income stream capable of making this both an income producing and recreational property. There is a garage and other incidental site improvements located in the NW corner of the property in Parcel #2B. Wells and electricity for the wells and electric fencing are at two locations with minimums being maintained with Excel Energy on FARM #2. According to FSA information the W ½ of Sec. 12 is identified as Tr. #7556 of Farm 2023, which FSA indicates has approx. 313.17 acres of Farmland with 278.69 acres of cropland with a 97.30 acre corn base with 100 bu. PLC yield and a 110 acre soybean base with a 30 bu. PLC yield; additionally this farm has one CRP contract – Contract #11619A has approx. 24.10 acres enrolled at $115.00 per acre generating a total annual payment of $2,772.00 per year scheduled to expire on Sept 30, 2030. According to Miner County Assessor’s information this farm has an overall soil rating on the W½ of Sec. 12 is a .786 and on the NE ¼ of Sec. 12 is a .685; comparatively, info. obtained from Surety Agri-Data indicates this land has a productivity soils index on the W ½ of Sec. 12 is a 70.6 and on the NE ¼ of Sec. 12 is a 67. The general topography of this land is predominately level to gently rolling. The 2023 RE Taxes payable in 2024 on this property on the W ½ of Sec. 12 were $4,908.52 and on the NE 1/34 of Sec. 12 were $3,473.02.
FARM #3 – +/- 151 Taxable Acres – LEGAL DESC.: The SE ¼, Exc. Lot H-1, in Sec. 6, T. 106N., R. 57W. (Roswell Twp.), Miner County, SD – Containing +/-151 Taxable Acres. – Located from Roswell, SD – ½ mile west on Hwy. #34 to the SE Corner of the land at the Jct. of Hwy. #34 and 425th Ave., or from Howard SD- 9 miles west on Hwy. #34 to the Carthage Oil (425th Ave.) – the SE Corner of Farm #3; furthermore, this land is located just ½ mile east of both FARMS #1 & #2 on Hwy. #34.
Farm #3 is bordered on the South by Hwy. #34 and on the east by the Carthage Oil Road 425th Ave. – with the SE Corner of the land at the Jct. of Hwy. #34 & 425th Ave. FARM #3 will be offered as a single individual parcel. Farm #3 is comprised of a very well located parcel of land that is bordered on the south by SD Hwy. #34 and on the east by a hard surfaced highway (425th Ave., which is commonly referred to as the Carthage Oil Highway. This parcel of land has a high percentage tillable and very good eye appeal. According to FSA information this farm has approx. 146.61 acres of cropland with a 54.50 acre corn base with a 100 bu. PLC yield and a 91.70 acre soybean base with a 30 bu. PLC yield. According to Miner County Assessor’s information this farm has an overall soil rating of .670; comparatively, info. obtained from Surety Agri-Data indicates this land has a productivity soils index of 65.8. The general topography of this land is predominately level to gently rolling, with a couple of lowland pockets and a few trees. The 2023 RE taxes payable in 2024 on this property were $2,020.16.
FARM #4 – +/- 160 Taxable Acres – LEGAL DESC.: The SE ¼ of Sec. 7, T. 106N., R. 57W. (Roswell Twp.), Miner County, SD – Containing +/-160 Taxable Acres. – Located from Farm #3 (Jct. of Hwy. #34 & the Carthage Oil (425th Ave, – ½ mile south to the NE Corner of the Land; Roswell, SD – ½ mile west on Hwy. #34 and ½ mile south on 425th Ave.; the SE Corner of Farm #4 is at the Jct. of 425th Ave. and 234th St.; Farm #4 is bordered on the east by 425th Ave and on the South by 234th St.
Farm #4 will be offered as a single individual parcel. This parcel of land has a few remnants of a former farmstead, with one remaining machine shed/storage building with a concrete floor which could have some remaining utilization by a future owner for farm equipment and or storage space for hunting and recreational equipment. This is a parcel of land which could provide income from the cropland acres for an area farm operation or investor, while also providing some excellent hunting opportunities, as this property has a mixture of cropland, acres and a combination of existing trees, potholes and other non-tillable areas suitable for habitat for deer, pheasants, waterfowl and other wildlife. According to FSA information this farm has approx. 134.52 acres of cropland with a 34.50 acre corn base with a 100 bu. PLC yield and a 39.50 acre soybean base with a 30 bu. PLC yield. According to Miner County Assessor’s information this farm has an overall soil rating of .648; comparatively, info. obtained from Surety Agri-Data indicates this land has a productivity soils index of 62.7. The general topography of this land is predominately gently rolling to rolling with a couple of lowland pockets. The 2023 RE taxes payable in 2024 on this property were $2,105.12.
TERMS: Cash – A 10% nonrefundable downpayment on the day of the sale and the balance on or before Dec. 11, 2024. Full possession of the land for the 2025 crop year/grazing season, subject to the existing tenants rights and their farm leases which expire on March 1, 2025. Marketable Title will be conveyed and Owners Title Insurance provided, with the cost owners policy and Closing Agent’s Fees (Fidelity Abstract & Title in Howard, SD) divided 50-50 between the buyer & seller. All of the 2024 RE taxes payable in 2025 will be paid by the sellers. The acres on Farms #1 & #2 will be based on surveyed acres as determined by a survey as completed by SPN & Associates – Engineers & Surveyors of Mitchell, SD, with the survey costs paid by the sellers; the acres in the remaining parcels will be based on the acres as stated on the county assessor’s records, and in either case the acres being sold are understood to be “more or less”. The sellers do not guarantee that existing fences lie on the true and correct boundary and any new fencing, if any, will be the responsibility of the purchaser(s) pursuant to SD Law. FSA cropland acres, yields, bases, payments & other information are estimated and not guaranteed, with some farms potentially being subject to an FSA reconstitution by FSA personnel and FSA County Committee Approval. The Moschell Family as a result of the death of Virginia Moschell, has the option to either succeed or cancel the existing CRP contracts, subsequently buyers on sale day must notify the Moschell Trustee’s whether or not they desire to continue with and succeed to the existing CRP contracts or have the contracts canceled; if Buyers elect to continue and succeed to existing CRP contracts, they will be obligated to comply with the remaining terms and provisions of the existing CRP contracts and by succession will be responsible for any future penalties for noncompliance in the years subsequent to closing – the sellers will retain any or all previous CRP payments and rents including 100% of rents and CRP payments payable in 2024, with the buyer to receive 100% of the CRP payments payable in 2025 with no proration. Information contained herein is deemed to be correct but is not guaranteed. This property is sold in “AS IS” CONDITION and subject to any existing easements, restrictions, reservations or highways of record if any, as well as any or all Miner County Zoning Ordinances. The RE licensees in this transaction are acting as agents for the sellers. Sold subject to confirmation of the Trustee’s. Contact Sutton Auctioneers & Land Brokers with questions, or if you are unable to attend, to make arrangements for absentee bidding at ph. 605-336-6315.
Carl Moschell, Gary Moschell and Beth Dalton – Trustees
Gregory A. Protsch – Mumford & Protsch Law Firm – Attorney for the Estate – Howard, SD – ph. 605-772-4488
CHUCK SUTTON – Auctioneer & Land Broker – Sioux Falls, SD – ph. 605-336-6315
WAYNE BESSMAN – RE Auctioneer – Madison, SD – ph. 605-270-4980;
TERRY HAIER – RE Auctioneer – Alexandria, SD – ph. 605-239-4626 &
JARED SUTTON, CAI – Auctioneer & RE Broker Assoc. – Flandreau, SD – ph. 605-864-8527
Howard, SD, USA
Howard, SD
Auction Location / Nearest City:


1116 N. West Ave, Sioux Falls, SD, USA