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Featured items:
- John Deere 4560 QR
- 35 Black Baldy Northern Origin 4-year-old Cows
- Terragator 1603T Sprayer w Trimble GPS
- IH 940 Grain truck 486860 mi. w/ 600 bu. Twin hoist Bed
- Wilson Wheel Corral
- 9-year-old AQHA Mare
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Auction Description:
Date/Time: October 12th @ 9AM.
Location- At the Pickens Ranch Pens just East of Cottonwood Rd and Lakeview RD on Lakeview Rd in Stillwater, OK
Directions- In Stillwater, OK from Country Club and 6th ST (HWY 51 West) go North on Country Club 2 miles to Lakeview Rd, then West 2 miles on Lakeview Rd to Auction Site.
Gregg and Rachel Pickens have decided to liquidate their cow herd and farm and ranch equipment to be able to devote more time to their Real Estate and Auction Business as well as other business interest. Nice set of Northern origin cows bred to outstanding Hereford and Angus Bulls plus a great set of red and black baldie replacement quality yearling heifers. The Equipment has been used to put in this Fall’s Triticale crop and is field ready. Along with the Hay equipment which just finished the final cutting of Alfalfa for the 2024 season. We look forward to seeing all you on Saturday, October 12th at “Ernie’s Pens” just East of the corner of Cottonwood and Lakeview in Stillwater, OK!
Saturday, October 12th
9:00 am Cattle Note: Cattle will be sorted and sold in desirable groups of similar age and pregnancy
10:00 am Equipment: Large Equipment followed by the remainder of Farm and Ranch items
Note: Buyers unknown to the auction company please provide a Bank Letter of Adequate Funds for the amount purchased.
Cattle: Cash or check the day of Auction and must be settled before loadout
Equipment: Cash, Check or Credit Card the day of auction
2310 Versatile 4wd Bareback 4 remotes w/ Outback GPS 7311 hours
John Deere 4560 QR 2wd new motor and transmission 7,600 hours and new rear duals in 2022 8357 hours
Spray Rig and Fertilizer Tanks
Terragator 1603T Sprayer w Trimble GPS
new nozzles and rebuilt pump
New 6000-gallon Liquid Fertilizer w/ new Honda pump and filler hose
3-ton Fertilizer buggy Ground drive
IH 940 Grain truck 486860 mi. w/ 600 bu. Twin hoist Bed CAT 3406 w/ Westfield Hyd.
Drill fill auger
2018 ½ ton 4 door 4WD Chevrolet High Country 165 k miles new rubber
2017 F250 4 wd 230 k miles w/ like new Bramco bale bed new rubber
2002 F250 2WD 299 k miles
2005 Chevrolet ½ ton 2 wd 4 door 132 k miles
2010 Cadilac Sedan
35 Black Baldy Northern Origin 4-year-old Cows bred to McNeil Angus Bulls for a 60-day calving period starting Feb. 1st, 2025.
15 Red Angus Northern Origin 4-year-old cows bred to Jamison Hereford Bulls for a 60-day calving period starting Feb. 1st, 2025.
40 Red Angus Northern Origin 8- and 9-year-old cows bred to Jamison Hereford Bulls for a 60-day calving period starting Feb. 1st, 2025.
4 Herd Bulls
2 McNeil Angus 4-year-old Bulls
2 Jamison Hereford 4-year-old Bulls
NOTE: All cows will be Preg checked, and age verified by Dr. Bethany Lawson DVM as well as the Bulls will have BSE and semen tested. Cows will be sold in groups of 5-10 head sorted by age and term of pregnancy.
9-year-old AQHA Mare. Bought from the late Marilyn Franz. Nice mare you can do anything off of rope, sort and nice to ride!
2: 4-year-old Fillies out of Pickens Ranch mares and the late Marilyn Franz “Kitty Hawk” Stud. these fillies are started and coming along nicely.
Ranch pony “Topper” age unknown but a neat little horse for experienced youth. NOT A KID HORSE
Sunflower 1435 Disk 30’ w/ 22” front and 21” rear blades
Sunflower 1434 30’ Disk
Sunflower 25’ w/ Sweep Plow w/ harrow
McFarlane 36 ft Harrow 16 bar
Great Plains 2S-2600 HD Grain drill 26’ 7.5” spacing
JD 940 Field Cultivator 40’
JD 3600 6 Bottom Plow On land new shares and slides
JD 12’ Offset Disk big blades
IH 12’ offset disk
IH 92 6 Row Planter w/ various seed drums
Vermeer 605N Select Round baler 4811 bales-always shedded
John Deere 1600 Hydro Swing 16’ swather
8 rolls JD Cover Edge Net Wrap
35 ft EZ Trail Bale Trailer
Wilson Wheel Corral
30 ton Tanner Built overhead feed bin
Better Built 8’ X 12” Office w/ heat and air
12’ X 16’ Metal building
Westfield WR 80-51 Auger PTO like new
Kawasaki Mule Pro-MX 169 hours like new
F/S ATV Pasture Sprayer Like New
16 ft Bumper Pull Stock Trailer
10 ft Brush Hog pull type
Cake Feeders
Portable Loading Chute
Various gates and panels
1000 gallon Diesel tank w/ 12 v pump
500 gallon overhead Diesel tank
150 gallon Diesel tank w/ 12v pump
4 cases Dicamba
4 cases of Gly Star(Glyphosate)
Storage Container 14.5×20 & 10×16
Lakeview Rd, Stillwater, OK, USA
, OK
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