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Featured items:
- IH 966 Black Stripe nf Open Station Prestige
- JD 4640 w/ Cab & Singles 40th Anniv. C.E.
- Steiger Bearcat II w/ CAT Engine & Duals Prestige
- CaseIH Steiger 620--60th Anniv. In Steiger Green & Black
- Pedal Tractor--JD 4440 FWA w/ Wide Rears
- Pedal Tractor--NH TR.410 Genesis FWA w/ Wide rears
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Auction Description:
Premium Farm Toy & Pedal Tractor Estate Auction
Live and Online Auction
Auction Date/Time: October 12th, 2024 – 10:00am
Location: Wakonda Legion Hall, Wakonda, SD
Over 130 Pedal Tractors plus high-quality farm toys! Super clean collection!
The Dennis Baldwin Estate of Merrill, IA
We are proud to bring the collection of the late Dennis Baldwin to Wakonda to sell. Long time customer & friend! This is a super clean collection of farm toys & pedal tractors.
*125+ Original, Restored, Custom & Boxed Pedal Tractors of all brands! Very clean and quality—Old & New! Includes a show stopping, hand-built 1206 Pulling Tractor!
*Several Precision Engineering Custom IH & JD 4-wheel Drives including JD 7520 & 8850 Patio Sets!
*4 Gilbert Pauley Custom Threshing Machines—Case, M-M, Red River, Wood Bros—all NIB
*Premium Modern-made toys including Gold & Chaser Toys! Also nearly complete sets of IH & JD Key Precisions & Precision Elites plus Special Edition & Low-production models such as Prestige, WNAX/LeMars Toy Store, Mecum Gone Farmin’, Orange Spectacular, Toy Farmer, 2-cyl Club, Wisconsin Farm Tech Days, Summer Show, & more.
*50+ 4-wheel Drive tractors—Steiger, JD, IH, CaseIH, Ford/New Holland, & others!
***99.9% of the 1/16th scale farm toys in this auction are mint in the box & clean boxes! No Junk on this auction, hand-picked quality pieces from the start! Pedal Tractor are all very clean and mint condition!
Dennis Baldwin Estate—Debra Baldwin, Owner
Girard Auction & Land Brokers, Inc.
(605) 267-2421
Toll Free: 1-866-531-6186
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Wakonda Legion Hall, Wakonda, SD
Wakonda, SD
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