Shelby County Real Estate Auction

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Categories:     LandReal Estate

Auction Date:

March 04, 2025 | 10:00 am

Auction Location / Nearest City:

520 East Maple Street, Shelbina, MO, USA

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Auction Description:

Shelby County Real Estate Auction
Tuesday, March 04, 2025 at 10 AM
AUCTION LOCATION: American Legion Hall – 520 Maple Street – Shelbina, Missouri

PROPERTY LOCATION: (See each tract for directions to that tract)


Wednesday – February 12 from 2 PM to 4 PM at the property location.

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Shelby County Real Estate Info.
Offering 213 +/- acres in two tracts ranging from 80 +/- acres to 133 +/- acres, both with direct road access, rural water and ready for spring 2025 planting.
Online bidding available through Wheeler Live

133 +/- acres in Township 57N, Range 9W, Section 32 of Shelby County, MO.

Directions to Tract One Location: From Shelbina, MO take Hwy. 36 east 5 miles to Lakenan, MO, turn left and go north on Hwy. T for 2 miles to the Latchford Property on the right. Tract One lies east of Hwy. T, north of Shelby County Road 482 and south of Shelby County Road 480.

This tract has frontage on Hwy. T along the west side, SCR 482 on the south side and SCR 480 all along the north side. According to the Shelby County FSA Office there are 105.17 acres tillable and currently being used for row crop production, these acres are terraced, have drainage structures in place and are levee protected. There is 3.15 acres in the very south east corner that is being used for pasture and hay production and 20.58 acres in the middle of the property that are enrolled in CRP in the CP 23 program. The CRP acres are well defined and marked. The CRP contract is based on $180.32 per acre for an annual payment of $3,711.00 until 9-30-2032. The new buyer will be required to remain in the CRP or be liable to pay back and damages.

According to the Shelby County Plat Book there are two very small pieces of this tract that lie south of SCR 482. Rural water is available along SCR 480. On Tract One all farmed acres are fully sprayed and fertilized for the 2025 soybean crop, fall sprayed with Autumn Sniper (cost with application $1,891.14) and fertilized with 13-62-49-0 ( total cost $7,045.96). The sellers will cover crop expenses listed above, the buyer will be responsible for all other 2025 input costs.

80+/- acres in Township 57N, Range 10W, Section 35 of Shelby County , MO.

Directions to Tract Two: From the overpass on Hwy. 15 in Shelbina, go east 2 1/2 miles to Shelby County Road 447, turn left and go north 1/2 mile to Shelby County Road 462m turn right and go east 1/2 mile to the property on the right.

This tract has frontage and access all along the north side off SCR 462. The Shelby County FSA Office calls for 54.62 tillable acres, currently used for row crop production. These acres are terraced and have waterways to help maximize crop yields and limit soil erosion. The balance is in a wooded draw that runs through the property. There are two ponds on this track. Rural water is available along SCR 462. All the farmed acres of Tract Two have been fall sprayed with Basis Blend ($865.42) and fertilized with 13-62-49-0 ($4,369.44), NH3 at 2.94 tons 150# actual N ($3,801.65) for a 2025 corn crop. The sellers will cover crop expenses listed above, the buyer will be responsible for all other 2025 input costs.

Surveys have been commissioned for both tracts and should be done before the auction so we will adjust the acreages to the surveyed acres when doing the sale contracts.

Terms & Conditions: 10% Down sale day with the balance due and possession given at closing in 30 days or less. The new buyer will get the 2025 farm income and CRP payment and pay all the 2025 Shelby County property taxes. The cost of title commitment, deed work, closing costs and title insurance will be split 50/50 between the Seller and Buyer.

Monroe County Abstract – 229 N. Main St. Paris, MO 65275 – phone 660-327-4109 will be managing the closing.

Shelby County Real Estate Auction

520 East Maple Street, Shelbina, MO, USA
Shelbina, MO

Auction Location / Nearest City:

520 East Maple Street, Shelbina, MO, USA

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