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Featured items:
- Case 550E Long Track Dozer
- JD 450 Track Loader
- IH Farmall M
- ’01 Fisher All-Weld Jon Boat
- Kubota ZG327 60” Zero-Turn Mower
- Snap-On Stackable Tool Cabinet
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Auction Description:
The Francis Varilek Estate Live Auction
Live Auction
Auction Date/Time: October 2nd, 2024 – 4:00pm
Location: 44599 SD Hwy 50 – Mission Hill, SD
Directions: From JR’s Oasis in Yankton – 4-Miles East on Hwy 50, cross the James River Bridge & turn South at first drive-way OR from Polaris in Vermillion – 19-miles West on Hwy 50, turn South just before you hit James River Bridge. Watch for signs
Construction Equip. – Tractors – Boat – 4-Wheeler – L&G – Sporting Goods
Construction Equipment/Tractors/Trailers: Case 550E Long Track Dozer, 6-way blade, hand controls, recent overhaul, runs, SN#JAK0014734; JD 450 Track Loader, 6’ bucket, runs, SN#T5E3M107373T; Terex Mdl.72-51 AA Payloader, 671 Detroit motor, runs, front differential out, shows 4063 hrs, comes w/rebuilt diff, SN#57259; JD 3020 Gas wf w/ JD 48 Loader & bucket, syncro, 3pt, shows 401 hrs, SN#T111R129161R; IH Farmall M wf, gas, Schwartz front end, new rubber, new battery, restored in last 4 years, SN#76710, very nice!; DCT 6’x12’ Trailer, Dual Axle, Fold Down Ramps; ’80 Ford F700 Dump Truck, 5x2spd, show 72,924 miles, gas, single axle, not running; Kewanee No.58 3pt. 8’ blade; JD 603 6’ 3pt. Mower; Semi Flatbed Trailer, inboard axles, fold down ramps, 24’deck, 8’wide; 16’ Livestock Trailer; 7’x12’ homemade trailer, 2-axles, army box; 4’x7’ homemade trailer, single axle; Pickup Box Trailer, single axle, 5’x7’; 7’x9’ homemade trailer, single axle; various tractor tire chains; IHC 2-bottom plow, steel wheels;
Boat/4-Wheeler/Sporting Goods: ’01 Fisher All-Weld Jon Boat, 18’6”, Fischer Trailer, Mercury 2-stroke 50hp, Minnkota 55# Trolling motor, Humming Bird LCR 4000 Depth Finder, live-well, center consol, 4-seats, runs good; Yamaha Grizzly 700 4-Wheeler, 3041 miles, 450 hrs., new battery, runs good, nice; Cannon American Eagle 28-Gun Safe, nice; 2-Person Fold-Over Ice Shack; Jiffy Gas Powder Ice Auger; tackle boxes; misc. rods & reels; dip nets; ice fishing rods & gear; Weaver M.V9 3x-9x scope; Caldwell Lead Sled Shooting Rest; other scopes; misc. ammo .30-06, .25-20 win., .38 Spl, .32 S&W Blanks, T/C Hot Shot .357mag, .44mag, .44cal; misc reloading supplies, bullets, powder, brass, RCBS Press, Powder measurer; hunting & pocket knives; gun stock; holsters; soft & hard gun cases; camping lamps; gun cleaning kit; live traps; Outers Clay Pigeon Thrower; water skis; turkey cookers; camping grills; snow shoes; 25hp Sea King outboard motor;
Mower/L&G: Kubota ZG327 60” Zero-Turn Mower, 624hrs, 27HP, new blades & battery, runs good, recently serviced; Allis-Chalmers 716H Lawn Tractor, runs, needs battery; AC 3’ tiller; 11’ straight disc; Craftsman Rear-Tine Tiller, 5hp, 14”; Stihl 038AV Super Chainsaw; Stihl FS120 Trimmer; Stihl MM55 Tiller; Stihl BG86 Gas Blower; Homelite Trimmer; Huskee ATV Lawn Sprayer; Yardman push-mower; Shovels; insect foggers; propane weed burner; misc. garden tools; 9’ gates; landscape edging & fabric; lawn fertilizer; garden hoses; wood splitter;
Tools: Snap-On Stackable Tool Cabinet; Mac Tools Stackable Tool Cabinet; Matco Tool Cabinet; Concrete Bull Float; Coleman Powermate Pulse 1800ex Generator; Werner 8’ fiberglass step-ladder; Airco Wire Feed Welder, Lincoln Stick Welders (all welders need work); David-White transit; Craftsman Power Saw; Bosch Hammer Drill; Craftsman Shop Vac; misc. hand tools, sockets, wrenches, screw drivers, hammers, files; hydraulic jacks; chain binders; chains; torch tips; gas cans; large magnet;
Misc.: GE Upright 21cu. Ft. Freezer, nice; Sentry Valueguard 1310 small safe; appliance cart; step stool; brooms; various bikes; 100# propane tanks; metal detector; Cream Cans; saddles; lawn chairs
Auctioneers Note: Francis passed this past March; he ran heavy equipment, raised livestock and was an avid sportsman his whole life up until he lost his eye-sight. Most all large equipment (except dump truck) is all in running order and much of it just recently gone through. This will be a fairly short auction, so be on time!
Terms: No loader will be available sale day, on your own for load-out; Sales tax of 4.2% charged; No internet bidding with this auction, LIVE On-Site old fashion auction only! Absentee bids welcomed; phone bidding on large items only; no bathrooms on-site or concessions.
Francis Varilek Estate – Owner
For Questions Contact: Colin at (605) 661-5509 OR Bryce at (605) 391-8319
Questions on Terex Payloader call Derek at (402) 960-9934
Auction Professionally Managed & Conducted by:
Girard Auction & Land Brokers, Inc.
15 Ohio St. – Wakonda, SD
(605) 267-2421 OR Toll Free: 1-866-531-6186
Ken Girard, CAI, AARE; Mike Girard, CAI—FFL Manager; Scott Moore–Auctioneer
44599 SD Hwy 50 - Mission Hill, SD
Mission Hill, SD
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